• 12-week training Guide
  • Workouts can be done anywhere
  • Little to no equipment needed
  • Include cardio & stretching
  • Step by step photos of each move
  • Perfect for busy schedules

Two Months of Kaden Scott

I cannot believe how fast our little Kaden is growing up. He is about three months old so I am clearly behind writing these monthly blogs on time but I think a part of me is in denial with how...

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One Month of Kaden Scott

I am so late writing this-what a wild ride it has been. The first month of Kaden's life was super busy. We came home the day after Christmas as a family and celebrated a day late with my older kiddos...

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Losing the Baby Weight with Lumen

Its been 3 weeks since I have given birth and I am down to just ten pounds left of my pregnancy aka baby weight to lose. I have been tweaking my metabolism in order to get the most out of...

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Sia cooper

I went to nursing school in 2010 and this is where my weight began climbing. By the time of my graduation, I was overweight, constantly sick, and tired of feeling heavy. I was a full-time college student working part time and I was making barely any money to afford anything more than fast food. I had no clue where to start so I decided to educate myself and make a lifestyle change in which I dropped 45lbs in just 9 months, from clean eating alone.

I started my blog as a way to help keep me accountable, and share with others what has worked and what hasn’t. I also used my blog to help keep me accountable throughout my first pregnancy in which I worked out until labor began and gained 30lbs throughout.

Through this website, I hope to motivate and inspire as many people as I can to transform their lives for the better.

Your trainer and friend,